Kodi & Netflix

Submitted by michael on Tue, 06/25/2019 - 19:24

1. Reset Kodi

rm -rf .kodi "Library/Application Support/Kodi"

2. Install Some Prerequisites

brew install python
pip3 install --user pycryptodome
mkdir -p "Library/Application\ Support/Kodi/cdm"
curl https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/31465a03c03d1eec31cd4dd5d6b803724dcb29cd/toolkit/content/gmp-sources/widevinecdm.json -o "Library/Application\ Support/Kodi/cdm/libwidevine.sh"
curl https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/31465a03c03d1eec31cd4dd5d6b803724dcb29cd/toolkit/content/gmp-sources/widevinecdm.json -o "Library/Application\ Support/Kodi/cdm/libwidevine.json"

I don't know why the .json and .sh files are both required, but it wouldn't work for me without them.

Download the latest release from https://github.com/asciidisco/plugin.video.netflix/releases

3. Install the Kodi Plugins

Install the inputstream.adaptive addon. It's easiest to find it with addon search.

Then install the downloaded zip file from github. It must be installed after the inputstream addon.

Run the Netflix plugin and sign in.