Mike Friedman posted about cleaning up Perl boilerplate and switching to Import::Into. I like his ideas, and in particular I will be using parameters to my Setup packages from now on.
This is my import subroutine.
sub import {
my $target = caller;
'warnings'->import::into($target, qw(FATAL utf8));
# uncoverable branch true
# uncoverable branch false
if ($] >= 5.017011) {
if($] >= 5.01908) {
'warnings'->unimport::out_of($target, 'qw');
'charnames'->import::into($target, qw(:full :short));
'open'->import::into($target, qw(:std :utf8));
'feature'->import::into($target, ':5.16.0');
My import is a little different:
- I need UTF8 everywhere for some text processing.
- I do the Moose setup separately, but if I pass a parameter to the setup module then it won't be necessary. Putting it all in one place will simplify things.
- After enabling warnings I explicitly turn off warnings for the experimental features I know I'm using, although using the features module might be a better thing to do.
- I check Perl's version before disabling specific warnings with unimport::outof, because I was getting warnings on the older Perls I need to support.
- I have a few different modules to import.
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