flexbox for layout.
Link Archive
We studied a subsection of our
customers' data and discovered mobile sharing buttons aren’t getting much use: Only 0.2%
of users ever click on a mobile sharing button. Mobile users click the sharing buttons 35%
less often than they do on the desktop.
I have recut Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy into a single 4-hour film | The Hobbit: The
Tolkien Edit
The Internet Archive's collection
is currently around 15PB. It has doubled in size in about 30 months. Suppose it takes
another 30 months to develop and deploy a solution at scale. We're talking crowd-sourcing
a distributed backup of at least 30PB growing at least 3PB/year.
On July 17th, at 3:22 P.M.
G.M.T., the Wayback Machine saved a screenshot of Strelkov’s VKontakte post about downing
a plane. Two hours and twenty-two minutes later, Arthur Bright, the Europe editor of the
Christian Science Monitor, tweeted a picture of the screenshot, along with the message
“Grab of Donetsk militant Strelkov’s claim of downing what appears to have been MH17.” By
then, Strelkov’s VKontakte page had already been edited: the claim about shooting down a
plane was deleted. The only real evidence of the original claim lies in the Wayback
Philippe de Montebello, the
director of the museum, declared that the Unicorn tapestries must be photographed on both
sides, to preserve a record of the colors and the mirror images. Colburn and her
associates would soon put new backing material on them, made of cotton sateen. Once they
were rehung at the Cloisters, it might be a century or more before the true colors of the
tapestries would be seen again.
Creating Modules in Java To
register a Java-based XQuery modules, eXist-db requires a namespace URI by which the
module is identified, and the list of functions it supplies. For this, you need only to
pass a driver class to the XQuery engine, and this class should implement the interface
A Part-Of-Speech Tagger (POS
Tagger) is a piece of software that reads text in some language and assigns parts of
speech to each word (and other token), such as noun, verb, adjective, etc., although
generally computational applications use more fine-grained POS tags like 'noun-plural'.
This specification defines the
web developer rules (author conformance requirements) for the use of [wai-aria] attributes
on [HTML51] elements. It also defines requirements for Conformance Checking tools.