an animated map of global wind and weather
Link Archive
Charles Miller's weblog, covering Apple, Java, and whatever assorted nerdery happens to
cross my path.
Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app.
I spent quite a bit of my day yesterday trying to work out a painless, scripted,
idiot-proof deployment process with Capistrano for my photo-a-day …
Since one year or two (I pushed a quick tutorial some months ago on Github), I
intensively use Capistrano as well as its “Symfony” …
Get Real-Time Next Bus information on your mobile device for Metro Vancouver's public
transit system.
Android: AirDroid already controls your phone from any web browser, but the latest
version of the app offers more useful features, like a new "find my phone" service that
pinpoints your device via GPS and complete remote control of your device's camera. Plus, it
no longer requires your phone be on the same network to connect to it.
Pass the sauce around so that each person can add it according to taste.