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Pattern Instructions
- (Right Side): Slip the first stitch knitwise, and continue working in pattern until the last st in the row.
- slip the last stitch knitwise.
- (Wrong Side): Purl the first stitch, and continue working in pattern until the last st on the row.
- Purl the last st.
Repeat steps 1-4 until you have reached your desired length.
The method required differs by yarn, fabric and project. Stockinette, garter, ribbing, lace—are all different. Will both sides of the fabric will be visible? And even then there’s no agreement on which method is best for which situation. Many methods exist, and many methods work well.
Making fresh gluten free pasta at home is a labor of love. It’s a simple process. All it takes is the right recipe—and a little time. Find out exactly how to do it!
A good test string for Unicode support in general is the following: Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn☃?. Its first 20 symbols are in the range from U+0000 to U+00FF, then there’s a symbol in the range from U+0100 to U+FFFF, and finally there’s an astral symbol (from the range of U+010000 to U+10FFFF). TL;DR Go forth and submit pull requests with piles of poo in them. It’s the only way to Unicode the Web Forward®.
This text is a brief description of the features that are present in the Bash shell (version 5.0, 12 May 2019).
The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts houses one of the world's most extensive combinations of circulating, reference, and rare archival collections in its field. These materials are available free of charge, along with a wide range of special programs, including exhibitions, seminars, and performances.
Things I Learnt The Hard Way (in 30 Years of Software Development)
Should be required reading for anyone starting out.
Git is hard: screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is fucking impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can't search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem.
This document defines a "problem detail" as a way to carry machine- readable details of errors in a HTTP response to avoid the need to define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.
What she later came to realize (and explain to others) was that the black triangle was a pioneer. It wasn’t just that we’d managed to get a triangle onto the screen. That could be done in about a day. It was the journey the triangle had taken to get up on the screen. It had passed through our new modeling tools, through two different intermediate converter programs, had been loaded up as a complete database, and been rendered through a fairly complex scene hierarchy, fully textured and lit (though there were no lights, so the triangle came out looking black). The black triangle demonstrated that the foundation was finally complete the core of a fairly complex system was completed, and we were now ready to put it to work doing cool stuff. By the end of the day, we had complete models on the screen, manipulating them with the controllers. Within a week, we had an environment to move the model through.
A few months ago, British Airways' customers had their credit card details stolen. How was this possible? The best guess goes something like this: BA had 3rd party JS on its payment page The 3rd party's site was hacked, and the JS was changed. BA's customers ran the script, which then harvested their credit card details as they were typed in.
A readable explanation of SRI.
Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that enables browsers to verify that resources they fetch (for example, from a CDN) are delivered without unexpected manipulation. It works by allowing you to provide a cryptographic hash that a fetched resource must match.
Another security protocol to learn.
tonal is a small (20kb minified, 6kb gzipped) javascript modular music theory library. It provides functions to manipulate tonal elements of music (pitches, chords, scales, keys). It deals with abstractions (not actual music).
Ooh this could be fun.
Tone.js is a framework for creating interactive music in the browser. It provides advanced scheduling capabilities, synths and effects, and intuitive musical abstractions built on top of the Web Audio API.
Could do some fun weekend programming with this.
The lack of bad outcomes can reinforce the ‘rightness’ of trusting past practices instead of objectively assessing the risk, resulting in a cultural drift in which circumstances classified as ‘not okay’ slowly come to be reclassified as ‘okay’. Diane Vaughan coined the term ‘normalisation of deviance’ and defines it as ‘the gradual process through which unacceptable practice or standards become acceptable. As the deviant behaviour is repeated without catastrophic results, it becomes the social norm for the organisation.’
How many ways are there of writing some natural number $n$ as the sum of two squares?
I don’t want an answer for some particular $n$ . I don’t even want a general formula. I just want to know… on average.
To commemorate Pi Day on March 14th, we have put together this Virtual Special Issue of articles on the topic of Pi, from the Mathematical Association of America’s four publications.
People have been figuring ways to compute π for ages, and most of them were very very tedious and time-consuming. Archimedes figured it out to 3 decimal places. 750 years later, we managed to get 4 digits. Another 900 years passed, and we got to 16. In the late 1800s, hapless William Shanks busted his buns for 15 years to compute π to 707 places using John Machin's formula (seen in the app, above). In a stroke of bad luck, however, he blew it 527 digits in, so the remainder of the estimate is incorrect. [Nooooooo...!] Fortunately, no one was willing to spend the time to double-check his work, and he died in the blissful happiness of a job well-done.
Installation of mkcert on CentOS and Fedora is similar to Ubuntu/Debian installation. You only need to install nss-tools tools first.