I'm not sure of the claim, but it is an impressive teaching resource.
Link Archive
The web is moving to HTTPS, preventing network attackers from observing or injecting page contents. But HTTPS needs TLS certificates, and while deployment is increasingly a solved issue thanks to the ACME protocol and Let's Encrypt, development still mostly ends up happening over HTTP because no one can get an universally valid certificate for localhost.
These pages are a collection of facts (identities, approximations, inequalities, relations, ...) about matrices and matters relating to them.It is collected in this form for the convenience of anyone who wants a quick desktop reference.
As for her mom's signature dumpling recipe, for which the animated short is named? Shi says that her family likes to keep it old-school. "She won't use a food processor or a meat grinder for the pork filling," Shi says. "She'll use an old-school cleaver and just chop everything, throw in chives and garlic, mince everything together, and chop for ten minutes."
Having a file structure full of various file types you want to sync only files of one type into a new location.
rsync -rv --include '*/' --include '*.js' --exclude '*' --prune-empty-dirs Source/ Target/This will generate the same structure found in Source into Target but only including the JavaScript(.js) files.
I'm tired of looking this up.
Remove from \$var the shortest part of \$Pattern that matches the back end of \$var.
I need to look this up far too often.
This page explains the design and implementation of operations on big (modular) integers, used for RSA and generic elliptic curve computations.
I love these numerical algorithms.
This article walks through the components of a modern LZ compressor. It's amazing how rich and deep the compression field is. If you enjoy algorithms and data structures, there are not too many better places to play. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
By the end, we will have a compressor that can beat gzip while decompressing at almost the same speed — in less than 1000 lines. You can find the source for the article at https://github.com/glinscott/linzip2.
Deep dive into an incredible algorithm.
The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) provided guidance, navigation and control onboard the Apollo flights to the Moon. This historic computer was one of the first to use integrated circuits, containing just two types of ICs: a 3-input NOR gate for the logic circuitry and a sense amplifier IC for the memory. It also used numerous analog circuits built from discrete components using unusual cordwood construction.
Incredible details on an absolutely mind-blowing piece of hardware. Magnetic memory!
magine that you have attached a pencil to a pendulum so that it brushes across a piece of paper as the pendulum swings back and forth. When the pendulum finishes swinging you will end up with a single straight line drawn on your paper – very dull indeed! Now imagine further that you somehow manage to connect a second pendulum to your pencil which oscillates at right angles to the first. The resulting drawing might look something like the image below. If your imagination fails you (or if my explanation isn’t up to the job) then you can see a video of the set up I am trying to describe by clicking here.
Strange Attractors are plots of relatively simple formulas. They are created by repeating (or iterating) a formula over and over again and using the results at each iteration to plot a point. The result of each iteration is fed back into the equation. After millions of points have been plotted fractal structures appear. The repeated points fall within a basin of attraction (they are attracted to the points that make up these shapes).
But the fix is easy and there’s no addons required.
- Navigate to about:config (in Firefox’s URL bar)
- Change the value of the following two properties to 0:
- mousewheel.with_control.action
- mousewheel.with_meta.action
- mousewheel.with_alt.action
I go googling for this far too much. The services.sync stuff at the bottom is also good.
In firefox 63 the autoplay preferences are reorganised in preparation for this feature shipping out of the box in one of the upcoming versions. in about:config you can set media.autoplay.default to 1 in order to block automatic playback on all pages or set it to 2 to decide on a per domain basis.
Observers of yesterday’s lunar eclipse were blessed with the first known sighting of a meteorite impact during such an event.
It probably wasn't visible without a telescope, but even still I wish I had been watching for it.
Every molecule of water on the Earth and inside you or any other living thing has existed for billions of years. After it came to Earth, that water has been cycling through rocks, air, animals, plants, and back again. Each molecule has been on an incredible voyage before coming to you. At some point, the water inside you would have been inside dinosaurs, bacteria, the oceans, storm clouds, the polar ice caps, and much more.
Water is strange, and the video does a fairly good job of describing it's weirdness. But I wish it could have gone just a little bit deeper.
And it is mind-blowing to think that all water on this planet is alien.
The Intel 80386 is the next step in the evolution of the processor series that started with the Intel 8086 (which was itself inspired by the Intel 8080, which was in turn inspired by the Intel 8008). Even at this early stage, it had a long history, which helps to explain many of its strange corners.
As with all the processor retrospective series, I'm going to focus on how Windows NT used the Intel 80386 in user mode because the original audience for all of these discussions was user-mode developers trying to get up to speed debugging their programs. Normally, this means that I omit instructions that you are unlikely to see in compiler-generated code. However, I'll set aside a day to cover some of the legacy instructions that are functional but not used in practice.
Amazing look at the history of a single CPU. I wish I knew enough about hardware to really understand this article.
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 20, 2019 https://www.gocomics.com/nancy
Probably the best example of breaking the fourth wall in comics. Brilliant.
10 PRINT is a book about a one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program, published in November 2012. Book purchases support the nonprofit organizations The Electronic Literature Organization (to which all royalties are being donated) and The MIT Press, the book's publisher.
Absolutely fascinating.
A graphical technique for the display of the Lyapunov exponent as a function of control parameters in one-dimensional maps is used to identify coexistence of attractors, superstable curves, highly interleaved basins of attraction in phase space, and highly interleaved regions with different oscillatory modes in parameter space. Furthermore, this technique reveals dramatic' changes of dynamic behavior due to small discontinuities at the maximum of the maps.
Great paper on Lyapunov fractals.
This is an online preview of the book “Fundamentals of Data Visualization” to be published with O’Reilly Media, Inc.
The book is meant as a guide to making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional. It has grown out of my experience of working with students and postdocs in my laboratory on thousands of data visualizations. Over the years, I have noticed that the same issues arise over and over. I have attempted to collect my accumulated knowledge from these interactions in the form of this book.
The Feynman trap—ransacking data for patterns without any preconceived idea of what one is looking for—is the Achilles heel of studies based on data mining. Finding something unusual or surprising after it has already occurred is neither unusual nor surprising. Patterns are sure to be found, and are likely to be misleading, absurd, or worse.
The next time someone says "I'll collect all the data and then the patterns will be apparent" I'll remind them of this.